Drama Research

Macbeth/ Shakespeare Research

     Shakespeare was born in 1564 in the Stratford-upon-AvonUnited Kingdom.
Image result for Stratford-upon-Avon United KingdomImage result for Stratford-upon-Avon United Kingdom

     Shakespeare is famous because of the plays he made. They were famous because they were very realistic and interesting to watch. He is also famous because of other factors including the fact that he created around 1700 words that we use till this day! He most likely made Macbeth around 1606. The main characters of Macbeth are Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Banquo, King Duncan and Macduff. The play was set in Scotland. The play is about a man named Macbeth, who gets a prophesy from three witches that tell him that he will become king of Scotland one day. His wife, Lady Macbeth encouraged Macbeth to kill King Duncan and later becomes king. The Three witches then tell him that someone could kill him, someone named Macduff. He then duels him and Macbeth dies. A thane is a man who ruled over land granted by the king. In the opening scene, a trio of witches approach Macbeth and tell him he is going to become king. This is important because the whole story is based around  him being king. The witches are important because they make Macbeth kill the king, which lead into the other scenes of the play. Back then,  If you say ‘Macbeth’ in a theatre, you are meant to walk three times in a circle anti-clockwise, then either spit or say a rude word.

Image result for macbethImage result for macbeth


  1. Well done you have found relevant information for each of your answers and included some interesting images. You have demonstrated a sound knowledge and understanding of the context of the play and the plot itself. To get a higher grade you could include more depth of information and explain your answers further to include more detail in your own words rather than copying and pasting. 6/8 Criteria A


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