Superstition Research

Superstition Research

A superstition is any belief that if you do something, which could be and action or speech, is going to signify good or bad luck. There is one where if a birds poops on you, its good luck. Another two are breaking a mirror is bad luck and Friday the 13th is bad luck. Back then, in Scotland and England, people believed that witches were real and that they were working with the devil. If someone got accused of being a witch, they would do horrendous tests and mostly end up killing them. The three witches roles in Macbeth are huge, because it's the main reason why Macbeth kills King Duncan, which starts the whole story and its events. In my opinion, I think the witches don't control Macbeth's future, they only read it. They can only tell what is to come.

Image result for 3 witches


  1. Superstitions: You have answered each question correctly and included some interesting information about superstitions in your country. To get a higher grade you need to include more detail and justify your responses. You could have tried to find out a bit more about the role the witches play in Macbeth, given more information about what we learned in class, and given a lot further explanation for your last answer. 3/8 Criteria D


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